Does spelling count?
I came across this wonderful article which summarizes all of my feelings and coming to think about it, I can guess many more teacher’s can relate to having had the same feelings. I greatly appreciate Shira Loewenstein for her article. In order to maintanin her idea exactly as she transmitted, I am sharing her complete article with you. My greatest thanks go to her. “This is one of my favorite and least favorite questions all rolled into one. As a science teacher, I gave an assignment to my students to create a children's book. "In your book, I want you to explain everything your readers have learned about the different types of clouds and how they relate to weather patterns." Before I even have the chance to hand out a rubric, no less than five children call out, "Does spelling count?!?" I am sure they're hoping for a simple "yes" or "no" (and more specifically a "no"), but this seems to be a teachable moment if I have e...