
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2018

3R´s For Taking Care of Our Planet

Since a very long time ago, schools have been teaching about planets, and about ours in particular. And throughout the years, the things to discover and know about it have become more, and more complex each day. Today, it is not only about learning it's physical characteristics, but also learning about the impact that human beings have on it. Today it is necessary, both for families and schools, to talk about how to take care of the planet. And a lot of our children are now familiar with the classic 3 R´s to do so: Reduce - the amount of garbage. Reuse - as much objects as possible to give them a new use. Recycle - materials to give them a new life. But I personally would like to propose 3 different R´s, which I consider to be as important and to actually be the engine of the ones we already know: Respect - Reflect - React. The first thing we need to understand is that nature is not an unrelated element to man, but on the contrary, that there is a very strong relationship...

Sean felices

Dedicado a los alumnos que se gradúan de Tercero de Secundaria. La vida académica y sinceramente la vida en general y sus lecciones empiezan antes de lo que todos creemos; todo en la vida es una negociación y el camino está lleno de retos y aprendizajes. Continuamente aprendemos o al menos podemos hacerlo ya que tenemos la elección en nuestras manos, para forjar nuestro destino como un conjunto de decisiones. Hoy me tomo un segundo para pedirles que vean más allá de lo evidente, que se diviertan, gocen lo que los rodea, se atrevan a observar y a preguntarse. Los invito a apasionarse con cada tema que los rete, con duda que se les presente o con cada trivialidad que les encante. Pero sobre todo, los invito a asombrarse, a buscar cada día, enamorarse del mundo y de ustedes mismos. Este año he tenido la fortuna de conocerlos y observar sus pasiones y talentos únicos. Vívanlos, conozcan, disfruten, aprendan y busquen nuevas preguntas; la información está a un click, pero está en uste...

Shape your future as well balanced individuals

Dear graduates, today is a very special day in which your teachers, siblings and parents are feeling very proud of you. They have high hopes for you, and they believe in you! Take a look at them now, and you can see them smiling and snapping photos so they can remember this moment forever. Today is a good day to hug them and thank them for all they have done for you throughout the years, because even though this achievement is yours, it couldn’t have been possible without their help. For today marks the day in which you begin a more independent journey. You are entering Middle School, where you will learn lots of new things, from learning to organize your schedule and remembering the right classrooms, dealing with 13 subjects at the same time, to getting to know yourselves and keeping good relationships with all the changes and challenges this stage in your lives brings. Today you close one chapter of your lives, and welcome a new one full of challenges and new adventures. We wish ...

"If you succeed in doing this, tell me how…"

My dear students, It’s hard to think of the words I can tell you during this important day, the day when you will be leaving a school that has been your home for years. However, it’s actually easy to think of different anecdotes that we have all shared together, since five years ago and up to yesterday. I still remember correcting you when you used to call me “teacher” (literally sounded t-e-a-c-h-e-r), when we shared our different experiences during our “question of the day” session, and mostly, how we didn’t even notice the way we started getting to know each other and accepting us as we each were and are. We’ve all changed, for good. You have become much mature teenagers... but still teenagers. You have laughed together, and you’ve also cried together. You worry about each other and have learned to trust each other. You’ve developed tolerance, respect and empathy towards your classmates, and those are abilities that you will apply in your future as students and also as profe...