"13 Reasons Why"

Everyone who is into Social Network has heard a little or a lot about “13 Reasons Why”. Since I work with Elementary and Middle School students, I decided to watch the popular series and I was not only impacted by the message that the series can give to a teenager, but I also felt the need to inform parents about it because some students are talking or hearing about the popular show, and the scenes that take place on it. I consider important to talk to parents about “13 Reasons Why”, not only because it has been the most tweeted show of 2017, or because it is a series that many teenagers are watching, but because it is a series that touches impacting subjects with cold-hearted messages in a time when we are all exposed to violence and apparently, getting used to it. “13 Reasons Why” is a 13-chapter-long series which tells the story of Hannah Baker, a 17-year-old high school girl who leaves 13 tapes behind, dedicated to each and every one of the thirteen persons that lead her to com...